September 23, 2010
The Easy Seater Straight Line Seating Die allows the reloader to put the bullet into the case through a window in the die body rather than trying to hold it straight while raising the press's ram. This reduces the chance of damaging the bullet's base, starting the bullet crooked or dropping the bullet. Because the die holds the bullet straight, cast bullets can be seated without belling the case. Only a good chamfer on the case neck is necessary. The die features four major parts: One is a micrometer top fitted to a 7/8x14-inch threaded outer die body that allows a return to a previously used depth as well as facilitate precise changes in seating depth. An inner guide sleeve is reamed for a specific combination of bullet diameter and neck diameter to hold the bullet in perfect alignment with the die body and a seating stem that is matched to the guide sleeve. The guide will not work with cases shorter than the .22-250, .250-3000 or .300 Savage. The die also has trouble seating very long bullets into short cases. In the .45-70, a 530-grain bullet can be seated to the back of the first driving band.
The Easy Seater is available for .458-, .408-, .376-, .308-, .257- and .224-inch bullet diameters for $114.95 from Meacham Tool & Hardware Co. Inc., Dept. RS, 37052 Eberhardt, Peck, ID 83545; (208) 486-7171; .