September 23, 2010
LMT to work on rifles that directly integrate power rail.
By Press Release
Simi Valley, CA -- RESET is pleased to announce its alliance with Lewis Machine and Tool Company (LMT). This alliance joins RIPR's power and data rail's open architecture to an esteemed weapon and component manufacturer that has a strong track record of providing weapons and accessories to the Special Operations Community. The RIPR (Rifle Integrated Power Rail) is the first working product that brings centralized power and data transmission to the upper rail of a carbine or rifle platform.
"We are ecstatic to be working with the LMT design and manufacturing team. This brings to RIPR, an excellent opportunity to join up with a high quality weapon platform. From our first meeting at SHOT Show until now, Karl Lewis has had an open mind toward the future and sees the exciting life saving technology that this teaming can bring to our military forces. The future of tactical weapons integrating RIPR technology is going to be very exciting" says Galen Puccini, Chief Operating Officer at RESET, manufacturer of RIPR.
RIPR brings significant capabilities to the future war fighter. RIPR provides power and data transmission through a 1913-Picatinny-NATO rail by attaching a rail with integrated power source onto existing and future weapons. RIPR's integrated battery pack is central, universal and agnostic to the accessories it powers. RIPR power can be modified, and upgraded without rebuild of the (battery centric) individual accessories such as lasers, illuminating and thermal devices, optics, and others.
Karl Lewis, President of LMT states, "We are looking forward to LMT designing and building platforms that can integrate RIPR technology with "purpose built accessories". LMT will work on designs that more directly integrate the RIPR into the upper weapon platform, most significantly with the fielded M-4 carbine".
RIPR's architecture is open to all weapon and accessory manufacturers as well as supports the modernization requirements put forth by U.S. DOD and NATO. Many of the established accessory companies in the industry are working towards the RIPR platform, including Laser Devices Inc. who recently teamed with RESET to provide some of the first "purpose built "accessory devices. These devices will be powered by RIPR's central power pack and are designed to eliminate the individual devices batteries and battery housing, thus reducing size and weight by up to 40%. RIPR continues to make significant strides in helping the US Army meet its SWAP-C (size, weight, power and cost goals).